Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Anti-Semitism is a HUGE Problem in Europe

A recent study by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, which surveyed 8,000 people across Europe (1,000 each in 8 countries) showed that anti-semitism is still a huge problem in Europe. It really makes you wonder how Europeans can be supposedly "unbiased" negotiators in talks with the Palestinians and Iranians. Anyway here is a summary table from the report:

Hungary and Poland are definitely the worst with 69% of Hungarians and 50% of Poles saying that Jews have too much influence in their countries. What's really surprising is how much the Portuguese dislike the Jews. 52% think that Jews try to take advantage of the holocaust, 54% think Jews don't care about anyone but other Jews and 49% think Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians (Remind me to oppose a bailout of Portugal).

Amongst the other western European countries, levels are lower but still at very disturbing levels. 28% of the French think Jews have too much influence in that country. 20% of Germans think so too, which is an amazingly high number considering Jews make up just about 0.1% of that country after they tried to kill them all. 48% of Germans think Israel is committing genocide against Israel, almost the same percentage that think Jews try to take advantage of the holocaust. Makes you think they have no gone full circle and their guilt has turned into bitterness towards their victims. Even in relatively friendly Netherlands, 39% think Israel is committing genocide and 41% understand why people don't like Jews.

I'm so glad I don't live there.

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